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*"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change he world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."* --Margaret Mead


Deep Cover: From Thinktanks to Army Tanks


"In 1941 a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that the right questions were asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures. As a result they were asked to join the Directorate of Army Psychiatry, and did so as a group." –Tavistock Institute


They wind you up because they know what makes you tick. Tavistock Clinic, with its emphasis on dynamical psychoanalytic technique and object relations, was commissioned to study shellshock or post-traumatic stress in WWI. Early British medical psychiatry began developing psychological warfare in 1922.  The original Clinic joined the New National Health Service in 1948.


In 1946, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations split off as the policy-making “mother of all thinktanks,” publically claiming to be researching and directing groups and organizations.  The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was formally founded as a registered charity in September 1947 in London, England. The Institute devised, developed and publicized around the world and in Israel an experiential, hands-on method of learning, as well as models of Group Relations. Since its establishment, the Institute has dedicated its efforts to action research, field studies, consultation and professional training in management and administration. It fosters an interdisciplinary approach, combining theory and application. Its mission is to assist people in organizations to deal with issues of change, creativity and the forging of organizational policy. Nevertheless, it remains an intelligence organization.


A source of much confusion, the "Tavistock Clinic", which was once the common name for the parent body, now refers to part of a National Health Service trust, while the "Tavistock Institute", which once did research in many areas and was funded by many sources, is now a charity. The name "Tavistock Instutute of Medical Psychology," which was the name used for the original parent body, is now used to refer to an organization that grew out of that parent body but now specializes in couples relationships under the section name of the "Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships".


Other branches became the Tavistock Clinic of Couple Relationships and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. In 1994, the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust was founded and the Tavistock Insititute of Human Relations became the Tavistock Institute.  Also established by the Trust, Tavistock Consultancy Service (TCS) is a specialized consulting unit within the Trust, working with the hidden dimensions of life -- “working below the surface.” It centers on exploring the nonrational and unconscious systemic processes. Psychoanalytic practice is extended to group dynamics and open systems. This is the Tavistock approach to consultancy. They created the language of vision, mission and empowerment. They also coined buzzwords like out-sourcing, downsizing and target-setting, and bench-marking. Their overview covers layers of meaning.


But, with aid of Project Paperclip scientists Tavistock concealed covert operations in futuring, propaganda, mind control, social engineering, eugenics, military/industrial projects, and mass media manipulation. In short order, they declared themselves the psychological authority on authority and sanity. They specialize in “Shock Doctrine,” trauma, abuse and brainwashing. The group relations model is an equivalent to the psychoanalytic method as a tool of social and cultural enquiry, and the members of interactive intensive conferences are encouraged to make links to their wider experiences in organizational and social life.


John Rawlings Rees, one of Tavistock's founders once said: “Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence…If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!”

“We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.”


Following World War I, the British Military had created the Tavistock Institute to serve as its psychological warfare arm. The Institute took its name from the Duke of Bedford, Marquis of Tavistock, who donated a building to the Institute in 1921 to study the effect of shell-shock on British soldiers who had survived World War I. Its purpose was not to help the traumatized soldiers, however, but instead to establish the 'breaking point' of men under stress. The program was under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare. For a time Sigmund Freud worked with Tavistock on psychoanalytical methods applied to individuals and large groups.

After World War II, the Rockefeller Foundation moved in to finance the Tavistock Institute and, in effect, to co-opt its programs for the United States and its emerging psychological warfare activities. The Rockefeller Foundation provided an infusion of funds for the financially strapped Tavistock, newly reorganized as the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. Its Rockefeller agenda was to undertake "under conditions of peace, the kind of social psychiatry that had developed in the Army under conditions of war.

Tavistock immediately sent their leading researcher, German-born psychologist, Kurt Lewin, to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1945 to establish the ResearchCenter for Group Dynamics in the US. Lewin was interested in the scientific study of the processes that influence individuals in group situations, and is widely credited as the founder of 'social psychology.' After Lewin's death, the Center moved to the University of Michigan in 1948 where it became the Institute for Social Research.


Tavistock's work over the next two decades was to co-opt legitimate psychological insights into social groups and social dynamics in order to refine techniques for social manipulation.


Tavistock Clinic notables include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung (philosophic mysticism), Melanie Klein (object relations/child psychology), R.D. Laing (anti-psychiatry), Elliott Jaques, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves, John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and Wilfred Bion (Intensive Conference/Group Dynamics), with Tommy Wilson as chairman, funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.


For over 40 years a key figure at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, Eric Miller wrote Systems of Organization (1967), which broke new ground in organizational theory. Miller and A. K. Rice also worked together in the early development of the Tavistock Institute's Group Relations Training Program, which promoted experiential learning about unconscious processes in groups and organizations. Miller and Rice were convinced of the value of this approach in enabling individuals to discover authority within themselves, to question taken-for-granted assumptions and to extricate themselves from irrational group processes. At the Tavistock Miller took over leadership of the programme, and also supported the development of similar programs in Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, India, South Africa, Australia and in various parts of the UK. He directed or took a leading role in scores of these "working conferences" in Britain and abroad.


Other well-known names at Tavistock were John D. Sutherland, John Bowlby, Eric Trist, and Fred Emery. Kurt Lewin (social psychology), a member of the Frankfurt School in America, was an important influence on the work of the Tavistock. Rees became first president of the World Federation for Mental Health. Jock Sutherland became director of the post-war Tavistock Clinic, which was absorbed into the British National Health Service in 1946. Ronald Hargreaves became deputy director of the World Health Organization. Tommy Wilson became chairman of the Tavistock Institute.


Eric Trist wrote the definitive work on Tavistock’s public face, The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology : The Socio-Ecological Perspective (Tavistock Anthology), University of Pennsylvania, May 1997. CIA/Tavistock/MI6 operate in unison. Instead of “doctoring the soul” they systematically attack it, relentlessly. The consensual goals of mental health and group relations parted company. The promise became a curse.


Intellligence officer John Coleman, formerly of MI6, first exposed their covert activities with his insider knowledge about the Committee of 300 and in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. The Tavistock mission has creeped into many organizations far beyond the walls of ‘the Tavi,’ and they are scripting our future.


“The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, NATO, the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all of its affiliate organizations, the think tanks, and research institutes controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, cut certainly not least, the military establishment.


There is no need to use "they" or "the enemy," except as shorthand.  We know who "they," the enemy is.  The Committee of 300 with its Eastern Liberal Establishment "aristocracy," its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, petroleum cartels, foundations, communications networks, publishing houses, radio and television networks and the movie industry; presided over by a hierarchy of Hollywood conspirators: this is the enemy.


The power ruling America is the power that brought the reign of terror to France, the Bolshevik Revolution to Russia, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, the fall of Rhodesia, South Africa, Nicaraqua, and the Phillipines, Serbia and the war in Iraq.  it is the secret upper-level parallel government that brought into existence the controlled disintegration of the U.S. economy and de-industrialized state of what was once the greatest industrial power for good the world has ever known. “


“This institute is the originator of the Aquarian Conspiracy, designed to weaken the nations of the world by encouraging drug use, free sex, homosexuality and lesbianism. It has been very successful in the United States. It works through many research institutes and think tanks. The principal ones in the United States are the Stanford Research Institute, Rand Research and Development Corporation, the Institute For Policy Studies, the Aspen Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Brookings Institute. Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States.


These Tavistock-U.S. institutions have in many cases grown into gargantuan monsters, penetrating every aspect of our government agencies and taking command of all policy making. One of Tavistock's chief wreckers of our way of life was Dr. Alexander King, a founder member of NATO and a favorite with the Committee of 300, as well as an outstanding member of the Club of Rome.


When it was decided that a super-body would control European affairs, the RIIA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. For Five years NATO was financed by the German Marshall Fund. Dr. King was assigned by the Club of Rome to destroy America's education by taking control of the National Teachers Association and working in close conjunction with certain law makers and judges.


Scientists engaged in the process of conditioning are called "social engineers" or "new-science social scientists" and they play an integral part in what we see, hear and read. The "old school" social engineers were Kurt K. Lewin, Professor Hadley Cantril, Margaret Meade, Professor Derwin Cartwright and Professor Lipssitt who, together with John Rawlings Reese, made up the backbone of new-science scientists at Tavistock Institute.” (Coleman)

Naomi Klein’s expose might have included the Tavi as the power behind the thinktank thrones: “The Shock Doctrine vividly shows how disaster capitalism – the rapid-fire corporate reengineering of societies still reeling from shock – did not begin with September 11, 2001. The book traces its origins back fifty years, to the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman, which produced many of the leading neo-conservative and neo-liberal thinkers whose influence is still profound in Washington today. New, surprising connections are drawn between economic policy, “shock and awe” warfare and covert CIA-funded experiments in electroshock and sensory deprivation in the 1950s, research that helped write the torture manuals used today in Guantanamo Bay.”

“The Shock Doctrine follows the application of these ideas through our contemporary history, showing in riveting detail how well-known events of the recent past have been deliberate, active theatres for the shock doctrine, among them: Pinochet’s coup in Chile in 1973, the Falklands War in 1982, the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Asian Financial crisis in 1997 and Hurricane Mitch in 1998.”


The US State Department has often used NGOs in its coup machinery, such as the overthrow of President Marcos of the Philippines in 1986, or in the Tiananmen Square destabilization in 1989, and Vaclav Havel's 'velvet revolution' in Czechoslovakia in 1989. Swarm control is the key factor.


In mobs, the 18-24 age bracket is the prime recruiting pool, with lack of wisdom and general malleability. As with military recruiters, these are apparently also positive traits for the recruiters of nonviolent insurgents. And they’re more prone to peer pressure and illogical mass psychosis; Jonathan Mowat noted a 1967 report from the UK’s Tavistock Institute (the psychological warfare arm of the British military) the then-new phenomenon of “swarming adolescents” found at rock concerts.


Author Dr. Fred Emery reported the swarming was associated with “rebellious hysteria,” and predicted that with more study the phenomenon could be controlled effectively. By the end of the 1990s, he predicted, these hormonal mobs could be used at will to bring down a national government. Mowat noted, “the tactic of swarming” at work is a “a new philosophy of war, which is supposed to replicate the strategy of Genghis Khan as enhanced by modern technologies…intended to aid both military and non-military assaults against targeted states through what are, in effect, ‘high tech’ hordes.”

“And what brought this approach to warfare to the streets of Belgrade, Serbia in 2000 is the final consideration, immediate political timing. Once the technology and the right activist demographic has been identified, mass political resistance is a powerful force that can indeed “restrict or sever the supply” of a dictator’s power, as Sharp noted, but not always “when needed,” as if on cue.


First, the behind-the-scenes plotters must be in agreement with the wishes of the mobilized citizenry, or the citizens must be brought around to supporting the plotter’s decisions. In order for support from Washington to flow to a viable movement willing to support its agenda, the political goals of both parties must be synchronized and manifested in the opposition leader(s). This is one of the trickier parts, but deals can be and would be made time after time.

Non-violent resistance can drive a corrupt regime from power, but more often such attempts at a widespread uprising end in mass arrests or even mass killings - think Rangoon 1988, Tiananmen Square 1989, and a thousand smaller, less bloody examples spanning human history. Far more potential rebellions are simply not even attempted due to citizen apathy or fear, as in the 21st century USA.


So a mass movement could do better if it had a good “marketing department” to excite involvement, or was helped by a powerful and sympathetic outside force to neutralize the terror of state power. Such help could be either indirect (diplomatic support, etc) or direct (financial or tactical support). There would be no troublesome weapons shipments to learn of as with the debacle of illegal US support to the Contras in Nicaragua, but the idea is still much the same – support the opposition to destabilize and hopefully sever the targeted regime. There’s no law against that yet.” http://guerillas-without-guns.blogspot.com/, Guerrillas Without Guns

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