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Toxic Hypnosis
Editor's Note:
The following article originally appeared in the newsletter of
The Freedom of Thought Foundation: Free Thinking, Vol 2. No. 6
& No. 18, 1996.
Zombification can be really "Manchurian Candidate" like. Russians in their texts
stress the importance of technological-electronical hypnosis and the
"zombeing" of people ( Juri J. Leonov, Aleksej Krivogornicin, others ).
I impatiently await the disclosures of Don Friedman.
By W.H. Bowart
December 1996
Is the profession of psychiatry beginning to rival the legal
profession as having the most useless information, the most
know-nothing, corrupt and mercenary practitioners of any
The proof of the psychiatric pudding might be that doctors who
once easily earned $300,000 or more a year are having a hard time
pulling in $100,000 a year these days. This could be due to the
cuts in national health care payments, to the competition that
has been created by the lower prices of the HMO's, and/or it
could be partly caused by the accumulative effects of the CIA's
fifty years of covert manipulation of that profession.
Almost every psychiatrist of the aged generation (especially
those who also hold diplomas in psychology) worked for the CIA
or another branch of the cryptocracy in one or another dirty
project which tested drugs, hypnosis, brain stimulation and a
variety of other things on unwitting humans -- often employees
of the government who'd already signed their lives away. These
psychiatrists were hell-bent on seeing that this government
chattel would, since they hadn't give their lives for their
country, give their minds and souls and too often their
children's minds and souls for it.
In any of the professions it's hard to find a whistle blower.
Seldom will one lawyer speak ill of a peer. Even harder is it to
find justice in the self-regulated profession of health --
especially mental health. Doctor's seldom bear witness against
other doctors. A good example of the insular attitude which sees
regulatory board members looking the other way was the case of
Dr. William Jennings Bryan III (WJB3). Great grandson of the
great orator William Jennings Bryan, WJB3 was the director of the
American Institute of Hypnosis in Los Angeles from the fifties to
his death in the seventies.
Bryan was an innovator in the application of the uses of
hypnosis. He designed a switchboard of electronic instruments
which made it possible for him to hypnotize and monitor the
feedback from three different clients at the same time. He had a
taste for beautiful women, so, after he found beauties who were
also highly suggestible, he encouraged them to pay him a
"professional" visit.
"Psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century has
undoubtedly been strongly skewed -- not by an agenda that has to
do with academic research, not by the best interest of clients,
not by ethical psychiatry -- but by an intelligence agenda..."
-- Colin A. Ross, M.D.
During such sessions, after the women were in a
"deep, deep sleep," WJB3 would slip into the room where they were
lying on the couch and make suggestions which would eventually
open them to accepting his sexual advances -- maybe while they
were imagining they were having sex with their husbands, or some
Hollywood icon of their dreams. While WJB3 might have thought of
this as just a little creative visualization, some of the women
eventually remembered episodes of this hypno-rape, and four of
them pressed charges of sexual assault against him.
According to the April 22, 1969 Los Angeles Times, the
California State Board of Medical Examiners found William
Jennings Bryan III guilty of "unprofessional conduct in four
cases involving sexual molesting of female patients." The
penalty for this offense was five years probation -- a typical
slap on the wrist for shrinks who are working for the
cryptocracy. The Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron was the
former head of the Quebec Psychiatric Association, the Canadian
Psychiatric Association, the American Psychiatric Association,
the World Psychiatric Association (the founder of the WPA, in
fact), and the one-time President of the Association for
Biological Psychiatry has been described as the most
"politically connected a guy as ever existed in the entire field
of psychiatry in the 20th Century." This Canadian shrink was
funded through MKULTRA and Human Ecology Foundation, did LSD and
other hallucinogen research funded by both the Canadian military
and the CIA.
Cameron is one of the central figures in Gordon Thomas' book
Journey Into Madness. Cameron developed an insidious technique of
torture called "psychic driving" which produced Differential
Amnesia and Schizophrenic appearing conditions. He gave his
secret test subjects hundreds of ECT (electroshock) treatments
using the Paige-Russell technique, in which the shock switch is
thrown six times during a treatment instead of once. Then the
"patients" would be given barbiturates and a deep, deep,
neuroleptic sleep would be induced for three months or so. When
the subjects finally came out of their comas they were usually
depressed, disoriented, incontinent, and unable to state their
names, read, drive an automobile, have sexual relations, cook,
use the toilet, or recognize their spouses or children. This must
have been of great use to the cryptocracy which supported such
research for around fifty years since it appears that the
cryptocracy is still supporting more advanced research in which
possession and control of the human mind and soul is the targeted
Dr. Cameron escaped prosecution because no one knew about (or
could remember) his criminal research until after his death. When
news of his "experiments" was made public, the CIA was sued and
quickly paid the mentally damaged subjects of Dr. Cameron's
cryptocratic curiosity millions of dollars in out-of-court
settlements. That figure might have been much greater had the
majority of the subjects not died prematurely. The history of
the CIA's search for tools to create and managed the perfect
slave state are chronicled in a variety of books. But the
profession has largely ignored this information, often giving the
authors the armchair diagnosis as "cranks" and "paranoids."
But there are heroes even among psychiatrists. At least one, a
Canadian Psychiatrist, Dr. Colin Ross, has begun to put a lot of
time into trying to identify and correct the wrongs done by his
countryman Cameron and his peers in the profession.
Ross said: "Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America
between the 1940's and the 1970's was involved in some aspect of
the CIA's mind control research."
At a workshop he held at the 9th Annual Western Clinical
Conference on Trauma and Dissociation in Costa Mesa, California,
last April, Ross offered a preview of the research he's uncovered
for a new book. He said, "When I systematically started looking
into CIA military mind control, the more I looked, the more solid
reality there was there. And as you will see as we go through
these slides, and through this talk, it's a completely different
deal from SRA. Somewhere out there in the justice system, there
may actually be objective evidence where somebody has actually
busted a SRA cult. If there is, that information is not
generally publicly available to us. It is a fact that we have not
nailed down human ritual sacrifice cults in North America if
they exist. So it's all conjecture ... I will prove to you,
completely locked down, documented, proven, beyond dispute or
discussion that intelligence agencies have been creating
Manchurian candidates and MPD for operational use since the
Second World War."
"This is not a conspiracy theory," he said, "This is a fact." Now
that's very amazing," Ross said, "because if you took an opinion
poll of all the psychiatrists in the American Psychiatric
Association today -- or you took the same poll five years ago,
over 99% of the psychiatrists would say 'It's fiction. We know
the movie is fiction, Frank Sinatra (in the Manchurian Candidate)
did a good job, but there's just no way, it's absolutely
impossible.' There might be two outlaw psychiatrists in the whole
group who would say that it's possible that Manchurian
candidates are real. This is a very, very strange phenomena
that actually, in 1996, this is a completely documented fact --
it's a very strange sociological development in the field of
"How could that be possible? Well, I'm going to try and explain
how it's possible. So that's what I am going to talk about.
Also I am going to talk about not just creating Manchurian
Candidates, but the whole network of mind control doctors that is
involved in this and supports this -- this kind of old boys'
network that maintains all of this. And you will see a whole
bunch of slides with godzillian interconnections that I will go
into in detail. And every one of those steps -- unless I
otherwise specify -- is completely documented. Absolutely
objective in full.
"There is something real peculiar about the whole story. It's a
very strange story. It tells us that there is something going on
in our culture and in the mental health field that is hidden and
secret. This is another kind of incest secret in the field of
psychiatry that all of these people who have been running
psychiatry in the latter half of the 20th century are either
directly or loosely connected to a whole huge universe of covert,
hidden, secretly funded mind control research, and as emphasized,
that's a fact... If, in fact, experimental MPD has been created
and has been tight and hard and real enough for operational use
by intelligence agencies for the last 50 years, then it is
something of interest to the dissociative disorders field. This
is profound evidence in favor of the iatrogenic (doctor
induced) pathway to DID that I talked about this morning.
"When I combine the expert witness experience that I have had at
clinically created iatrogenic DID using the techniques of
destructive psychotherapy cults in the course of persuasion, as I
described this morning -- when I take that expert witness
evidence and see those cases created out of a base of no
preexisting DID and then I go to this CIA military mind-control
literature, my only possible conclusion is, yes, you can create
full tilt DID artificially from ground zero. Also, I have to
conclude that you can create any degree of complexity,
permutations of false memory that you want. There is absolutely
no limit on the quantity, complexity, reality, congruence,
plausibility of false memories that you can insert in somebody's
mind -- wittingly or unwittingly.
"They didn't tell me that in medical school?
"This is a little sub-paradigm revolution in the DID field.
"There is a huge wealth of information, experimental information,
clinical anecdotal information, and operational street smarts
knowledge of DID that's been up and running and full tilt in the
mental health field for 50 years now. This did not spring out of
nowhere in 1980, and we are missing a ton of experimental
research data that's still classified that bears directly on this
false memory debate that is going on in our society now. And you
will see some of the players in this whole scenario of
interesting people..." Ross pointed out that it was not just
psychiatrists and psychologists involved in the search for the
way to create a "psycho-civilized society" but also sociologists,
linguists, cyberneticists and other professionals (even a
magician or two -- men who were expert in micro-muscle movement
reading), people from the World War Two and Cold War generations.
Today mind control research has bled into many other specialized
areas and comes up under the general heading of "cognitive
sciences," which includes biomedicine, anesthesiology,
neurology, cybernetics, linguistics, neural networking in the
computer science departments and so forth. All of these
projects are scattered and compartmentalized so that one
researcher usually doesn't know what another is doing, but the
funders (the black budget spenders of the U.S. and other
governments) collect all the data and put it together for the
final devastating applications.
In his workshop Ross offered the names of some of the more
insidious doctors and the institutions which supported them. At
the top of the list was Dr. George Estabrooks who, in 1950 wrote:
"I can hypnotize a man -- without his knowledge or consent --
into committing treason against the United States." Ross
described Estabrooks as a pivotal figure in the cryptocracy's
mind-control research. He drew an elaborate map connecting
Estabrooks to the CIA's MKULTRA research, the FBI and other
agencies. Then, he named the following professionals as part of
the mind control conspiracy: William C. Hollinger, L. Wilson
Green, Richard Ofshe (Sociologist), James Hamilton, Harold
Abramson, Carl Pfeiffer, Louis Jolyon West (Psychiatrist UCLA),
Carl Rogers, Martin T. Orne, George White (Army Col, CIA, BNDD),
Maitland Baldwin, Harold Wolff, Raymond Prince (Mass. General
Hospital), R. Gordon Wasson (stock broker and mycologist
mushroom expert), John Mulholland (magician), B.F. Skinner
(Harvard Behaviorist), Garner Murphy (Harvard), E.R. Hilgard
(member of DSM IV Dissociative Disorders Committee), Ron Shore
(collaborator with Martin Orne) Milton Erickson (Psychiatrist and
inspiration for Neurolinguistics Programming), Daniel X.
Friedman (Editor of Archives of the Journal of Psychiatry
1970-1993), Allen Dulles (Director CIA 1953-1961), Loretta
Bender, Paul Hawk (psychiatrist who killed Harold Blauer in 1953
with an inject of supposed mescaline), Robert White (Harvard), J.
Edgar Hoover (Director of the FBI), John Gittinger (CIA
psychologist), Robert Lifton (psychiatrist and well-known author),
Margaret Singer (psychologist, author of "Cults in Our Midst"),
Paul McHugh (Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins), James
Whitehorn (former Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins and
advisor of the Human Ecology Foundation with Top Secret
Clearance), Harold Lief (advisor of the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation), Colston Westbrook (CIA Psy-War expert who worked at
Vacaville Prison with prisoners such as Donald Defreeze and
Timothy Leary), Robert Heath (doing brain electrode implant
research at Tulane), Francisco Silva (Cuban psychiatrist who
allegedly put Lee Harvey Oswald up in his home and got him a job
at the hospital where Silva worked prior to the assassination),
Mark Sweet (collaborator with L.J. West for the UCLA Violence
Project), Wagner Joreg (son of Wagner Joreg who won the Nobel
Prize for treating syphilis with malaria), Amadeo Morazzi (LSD
researcher at the University of Minnesota), Gregory Bateson,
Allen Ginsburg, Ken Kesey, Sydney Mallett, and the list goes on.
Ross linked dozens of institutions to the research which, he
said he suspects, is still going on in one form or another. Among
the institutions he reeled off the top of his head were: Butler
Hospital Health Center (part of Harvard), Children's International
Summer Village, Columbia University, Cornell University, Denver
University, Emory College, Florida University, George Washington
University, Harvard University, Houston University, Illinois
University, Indiana University, Johns Hopkins University, Eli
Lilly Pharmaceuticals, University of Minnesota, New Jersey
Reformatory, Bordentown in Tennessee, Ohio University, University
of Pennsylvania, Penn State University, Princeton University,
Stanford University, Wisconsin University, University of Texas,
University of Oklahoma, McGill, the National Institute of Health,
the National Institute of Mental Health, the New Jersey
Psychiatric Research Institute, National Philosophical Society,
Office of Naval Research, Worcester Foundation for Experimental
Biology, Vacaville State Prison, Public Health Service, Cornell,
Bureau of Narcotics, Bureau of Prisons, and many others.
"You get the idea," Ross said. Then, the well-prepared
researcher gave a litany of declassified code names under which
many of these atrocities occurred: MKULTRA, MKSEARCH, MKNAOMI,
"It just shows you," Ross said, "the theme here is not that there
is a military intelligence conspiracy to cover up Manchurian
Candidate creation with the myth of borderline personality
disorder. The point now is more of a global general meta point
which is: this whole network of old boys in psychiatry and
psychology, who were covertly funded for part of the military and
CIA intelligence mind-control network, are very influential in
the history of psychiatry in a kind of nebulous fashion that just
permeates the whole field. It isn't part of the sort of
one-to-one correspondences that I have been showing before. It's
a matter of the whole mind set of psychiatry -- how we think
about borderlines (Borderline Personality Disorder), how we think
about temporal lobe epilepsy, how we are going to react to MPD?
"The point is that the history of psychiatry in the second half
of the twentieth century has undoubtedly been strongly skewed --
not by an agenda that has to do with academic research, not by
the best interest of clients, not by ethical psychiatry -- but by
an Intelligence agenda." Ross said that the full story of the
CIA's involvement with his profession is still unknown. "We are
missing a ton of experimental research data that's still
classified that bears directly on this false memory debate that
is going on in our society now."
In an attempt to uncover more information Ross visited the CIA
Reading Room in Washington, D.C. He said it was "a very unusual
experience," and dealt with it with humor, as a skilled
psychiatrist would deal with a client suffering from Dissociated
Identity Disorder.
"This is the way it goes in trying to document this stuff and
trying to make it public and identify the specific individuals.
It's a big slow job. And when you make Freedom of Information
requests, it's like interacting with any Federal Bureaucracy."
Ross said that, in fact, the CIA had been extremely helpful to
him. The CIA, he said, was "extremely polite, extremely courteous
when I went to the CIA Reading Room..."
"Let me just tell you the story.," Ross said, "Here I am, a
Canadian psychiatrist, going down to the Eastern Regional
Conference, and a day early I pop over to the CIA Reading Room to
look at the MKULTRA documents to figure out which ones I want to
order at 10 cents a page which they then shipped to me. It
arrives at my office via UPS with CIA stamped in the corner. I'm
wondering who thinks that's weird?"
Ross said he found the CIA Reading Room "just this building in
Virginia on a street. It is completely unrecognizable as
anything. I get dropped off there ... whoa ... there's all these
guys in uniforms and here I am, this civilian."
"I go walking along accompanied by this CIA person, and I go into
the first room which has a steel vault door and says 'Secured
Area: Treasury Department.' I go into that room and they close
the door. I am now in a 'Secured Area.' I sit down and they bring
in all the documents on a little cart and (an elderly woman)
gives me 15-20 pencils beautifully sharpened, and a notepad and
everything. You order which documents you want at the end of the
"I am sitting there working away on this huge amount of
documents all day," Ross said.
"Work, work, work, work ...
"Some time in the middle of the day this old woman comes at me.
Now I am thinking, is this old woman trying to pump me for
information? What's here? (Is she) going to report back at the
end of the day? She says, 'Well, what's that stuff you are
reading?' I am trying to act casually, I just say, 'Well, it's
just a bunch of mind control documents from the 50's and 60's.'
And she says, 'Is that stuff classified?' And I say, 'No, no.
It was declassified a long time ago,' And she says, 'Well what
do they need me here for?' And I said, 'I don't know.' And then
I stopped talking to her and I started focusing down on the
Ross said his "beef" was not with the intelligence community or
the CIA, but with the psychiatrists and psychologist "who created
a little loophole where they can step out of normal ethical
oversight, violate the Hippocratic Oath, get away with it, not
talk about it. It's just like the conspiracy to keep incest under
the carpet. This is all conspired and kept under the carpet - not
by twelve guys in a room at Langley who are doing the planning,
but just by this pervasive old boys network. That's what keeps
the mind control secret down just like it kept the incest secret
down. So that's another reason why this is important, and needs
to be uncovered..."
"...The idea that there could be a deliberate disinformation
campaign element to the False Memory movement is perfectly
plausible, consistent with history, and could be expected. There
is bound to be some sort of disinformation strategy if, in fact,
Manchurian Candidates have been leaking out into civilian
psychotherapy. So here we have, with all of this documentation,
all of this proof -- we know that it is perfectly possible that
people we are seeing in therapy who are claiming to be victims of
systematic military mind-control experimentation are telling us
about what actually happened to them...
"We have a major disinformation campaign which has basically
fooled mental health professionals and the general public
concerning brain-washing, concerning LSD.
"Fortunately those are the only two examples in human history,"
Ross said with sarcasm. "This analysis does not apply to the
False Memory movement. There is no way it could conceivably be
possible, you will all agree, that there could not be any
nervousness in the Intelligence Community about Manchurian
Candidates spilling out into civilian psychotherapies and that a
disinformation program based on False Memories would be required.
It is obviously absurd."
Ross continued his sarcasm, saying: "Nobody but a CIA conspiracy
nut would ever suggest that. I guarantee you that that thought
has never even crossed my mind until it just spontaneously
appeared at this moment."
Then, after the laughter subsided, Ross resumed, in total
seriousness, speaking of the declassified documents from the
Atomic Energy Commission, alluding to the testimony before the
President's Commission on Radiation at which victims of mind
control testified they had been experimented upon with
radioactive materials as children.
"This is no longer vague," he said. "We know the specific names
of people, when they died, whether it was plutonium or whatever
was injected, the names of the doctors, the names of the medical
schools where it was done, it's all keyed up for compensation,
the government has set up a whole compensation mechanism..."
Dr. Ross' book, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Diagnosis,
Clinical Features, and Treatment of Multiple Personality is
scheduled for release by the publishers John Wiley and Sons,
N.Y., in December, 1996.
Journey Into Madness, by Gordon Thomas, was published in 1989 by
Bantam Books, NYC.
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