
Tavistock Agenda PsyWar Huxley vs. Orwell Introduction Holographic Control The Root Family Tree Draconian Utopia In the Stocks History Timeline Expanded Timeline End Notes CIA Tavi All Stars Players Video Links PsyOps Bibliography English Ideology Dumbing Down Propaganda Political Myths Credibility British Psychiatry What's New Paranoia MK Ultra Aquarian Conspiracy Operation Research US Clones Tavi Overview Tavistock NerveCenters Basic English Mind War Toxic Hypnosis Media Deception Controllers Delphi Counterculture Drug War Mass Media Blog Manipulation Fred Emery Trist History TV Programming Occult Jung EIN Power Elite Photo 2

Introduction: Flashforward -- Predictive Programming
Tavistock breaks the news and your mind at the same time.

Corporate * Military * Government * Intelligence * Media * Science * Psychiatry * Finance

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind." --George Orwell

" almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world." --Bernays

Deep Background: PBS, Bill Moyers, "The Secret Government," circa 1987


How to Brainwash a Nation - Edward Bernays



Sail on, O Ship of State!

Sail on, O Union, strong and great!

Humanity with all its fears,

With all the hopes of future years,

Is hanging breathless on thy fate! -Churchill

Many articles have described the psychosocial history of the Tavistock Institute and its draconian social-engineering agenda. But this one approaches it using Tavistock’s own analytical frame. It uses the terminology and working model of the psyche of its pioneers, Freud and Jung. Both described the dynamic interplay of instincts, ego and the transpersonal.

Collective Ego Death: 2012

One important thing we see here is that there is no ego separate from the soul. The proverbial ego of spiritual terminology is nothing but the ego-self, the soul structured through ego development. There is no ego as an entity; there is only the soul that can become ego by becoming structured with mental forms. Therefore, the idea of ego death is a misnomer. There is no entity that dies, for the soul does not die. All that happens in such experiences is that an ego structure dissolves, and the soul field is liberated from its influence. More accurately, the soul ceases to structure her experience through these mental forms. This can bring about the dissolution or transcendence of one's identity, but this identity is a feeling that arises from the soul being structured by a particular self-representation. A representation dies, but no entity.

Depth psychology itself, as in psychoanalytic theory, does not recognize an ego that is an entity. Ego in psychoanalytic thought is nothing but a mental structure, or a system of mental structures, and the processes and capacities that go into its development and functioning. In fact, some theoreticians consider the ego to be nothing but the organizing process itself. "The basic proposition we wish to develop is that the concept of ego, as it has evolved through its several definitions in the course of psychoanalytic theory construction, has become synonymous with organizing process." (Blanck and Blanck, Ego Psychology II, p. 15) (The Inner Journey Home, p 627, note 9)



Tavistock "Stink Tank" Controls Social Engineering & Reinvents the World in Distorted Form, Programming the Future with Lockdown Control from Cradle to Grave.


Just outside London, Tavistock Institute is the nerve center of a global psywar apparatus that attacks our collective conscious and unconscious relentlessly. Established after World War I by the Duke George of Kent (1902-42), the original Tavistock Clinic developed psychological warfare for British intelligence.

They didn't stop with the enemy but spread their theory and practice of mass mind control into all strategic institutions. Tavistock wrote the blueprint for global domination, a triumph of image over substance. They wrote the book on propaganda, prognostication and profiling -- the staples of the full-spectrum surveillance society. They have contrived history. Facts mixed with fiction produces friction. The simulation substitutes for reality.

Funded by British royalty, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, the Federal Government and Wall Street they learned the secret of transmuting infinite symbols into infinite power. Without wielding overt control, Tavistock has influenced the direction and effects of virtually every human endeavor with political and psychological warfare through its web of interlinking institutions.

Through a twist of fate, the shaping of Tavistock became synonymous with the shaping of global culture by forcing unwelcome changes and seizing psychological control of the human race. The brainwashing institute has twisted our beliefs into their very opposites by collapsing our psychic boundaries. Now, we are permanently "shellshocked."

The twisted root of Tavistock is grandmothered by the stranglehold of the British East India Company and grandfathered by "The Open Conspiracy" of Utopian H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell and Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. Tavistock is the paranoid child of the paternal Leipzig and Frankfort schools of 'critical thinking' and 'behaviorism.' Freud and Jung are its godparents, introducing the superego and transpersonal aspects of depth psychology.

But Tavistock's mother was a propaganda front called Wellington House, a fount of disinformation preceding WWI, called the "Lie Factory." They sold ideas. They sold wars like they sold pop culture, through mass manipulation. Thus, Tavistock gave rise to myriad social and political revolutions but America remains their primary target.

Tavistock's legitimate and bastard children include social psychology, social ecology, humanistic psychology, transpersonal psychology, future studies, change agents, systems theory, buzzwords, spin, pitching, sloganeering, polling, opinion-making, levels of control, human relations, mother-child relations, casual sex, self-esteem, empowerment, and decision theory.

Humanism, behavior modification, group dynamics, paradigm shift, stress management, coping, processing, deconstruction, integration, ecology, psychiatry, cognitive structure, object relations, Aquarian conspiracy, women's liberation, generation gap, population bomb, sensitivity training, radicalization, counterculture, alternate life styles, drug culture, controlled environment and political correctness all found fertile soil in the world's universities.

Social fields encompassed organizational behavior, management theory, parenting, conferences, facilitating, group therapy, team management, organizational culture, group process, socio-tech, core competence, behavioral science, system improvement, family systems therapy, and self-analysis.

Though many have benefited greatly from such progressive programs and therapies, their ultimate goal follows a subtle sinister control agenda that no one engaging in such activity could guess from the surface. Have we been "sleeping with the enemy," inducing trauma at the same time we try to heal it? Rather than healing the sick, Tavistock makes the healthy ill.

Pluralism, decentralization, privatization, globalization, social environmental turbulence, work-life issues, social capital, one world government, networking, class war, brain trust, leaderless group concept, disinformation, zeitgeist, entertainment-propaganda, urban de-concentration, "changing times," "embedding," "gulf crisis" and other emergent themes were inspired by Tavistock.

Thoughts are controlled by language that limits personal expression. 'Metaphor' creates a reality that shapes thought through public opinion in mass media that straightjackets the mind. Taistock calls it 'Basic'; Orwell called it 'Newspeak.' It controls and manages 'the news.' Dummied down educational systems limit most citizens to basic vocabularies. New buzzwords, collapsing synonyms and antonyms, are created to hold a meme as a gestalt.


The geopolitical and psychosocial Game of Life is rigged. To understand mass psychology, you need to know the real rules of engagement. Why do you think there are so many global extinction stories on television now? Life as we have known it for mankind is under grave threat of extinction.

Even with radically reduced consumption per capita, the carrying capacity of the earth is 1/2 what the present population is - some argue much less. The planetary demographic momentum is that we are on track to double our global population in our children's lifetimes. It took from the big bang to 1824 to get 1billion on earth. But 15 billion will inhabit the planet in the blink of an eye. It makes population control sound necessary and desirable.

Why do you suppose even the commercials relate to collective crisis, economic, social, and mental distress? IRS and private debt, medical bankruptsy, foreclosure, pollution hazards, mood alteration? The louder and more often they call for attention, the more sure you can be they are part of the Pavlovian problem, not the solution.  Drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol, cull the population and generate tremendous cashflow for hospitals andlegal systems.

There is a solution on sale for you to mitigate every distress, a cure for every ill. To be a "good" consumer now, you must be ecological and buy more investment purchases, even though you just lost 75% of your retirement funds. When you aren't being sold remedies, you are being fed fear in crisis after crisis. You had better get your mandatory vaccination soon. There are many ways for the psychological vampire to put "the bite" on you.

The real crisis is this war conducted inside your head by those who do not have your best interests at heart, by those who program you for exploitation while robbing you of rights and freedoms. It takes place somewhere along a utopian/dystopian spectrum, which ranges in the individual from euphoria to dysphoria.

Underlying forces are playing your underlying forces, modulating your moods like an emotional organ. Conflict, fear and trauma can be used to manipulate and control individuals and whole populations. Drugs are becoming ever more readily available, legally and illegally. Transnational drug trade supports even more black ops "social engineering" in other areas.

Drugs are no longer needed for psyops because ELF weapons have been created to conduct the secret war with electronic frequency generators that cause the brain to resonate at whatever level is programmed. Disease and dis-ease can be broadcast with microwave mind control. Crises play on our anxiety which is displaced fear. They also preoccupy us from noticing what is really going on.

The silent war -- mass psychological warfare -- for your mind has already been won, but not by you, yourself. PSYOPS is the weapon deployed in full-spectrum warfare and you are the target. The main issue for rulers and government has always been how to control the population at large. A huge psychosocial combine grinds the wheat from the chaff of human society. We've been systematically deprived of our freedoms and independence.

Given the means, it then follows that bending wills and the means to do so become imperatives.  Violence is too crass and resource depleting. Bloodless efforts simply begin at the cradle and carry on relentlessly to the last breath. Programming, intimidation, coercion and persuasion are built into the system.

But how is the mind bent and toward what ends? The masses are bent through control of resources and the environment, mind control, massive manipulation, crisis and social turbulence. Nonprofit foundations have teamed with corporate, military and governmental entities to form a covert control force. Unintended consequences result. Under the guise of 'prevention' they create oppression.

Good intentions and even best practices don't always result in desireable effect. We also have to ask, "Desireable for whom?" Democracy has to be relearned in each generation or it is doomed to failure. The game is rigged by molding the worldview, values and desires of children.

Coercion can be masked as group process. Once you know how to teach democracy you can also subvert it for control. Nothing is as practical as a good theory. Feedback is a key ingredient. An attitude of acceptance is engendered early. Historically, drugs and terrorism have been used to control populations.

Tavistock institute is the primary purveyor of global manipulation and crowd control. The social influence of Tavistock cannot be overestimated in intelligence, education, mind control, media, psychiatry and other major arenas of culture. It is the source of the Human Potential Movement, encounter groups, and the "Tavistock Method," which induces and controls stress via "psychologically controlled environments" in order to make people give up firmly held beliefs under "peer pressure."

Like a deadly iceberg, the Tavistock agenda lurks below the conscious threshold of society. It is continuously working its way into the fabric of our being using its own memes and viral methodology. When they aren't playing to our fear, they are playing to our cultural narcissism -- the Madison Avenue concocted American Consumer, drunk on the American Dream of More.

Now is the time to sober up and realize your mind has been hijacked by commercial interests and you let them do it. It doesn't come as news to many because for years it has been going on hiding in plain sight. Long ago H.G. Wells wrote in The Time Machine of the dystopian future where humans were blissed-out "cattle" who were fed upon by underground trolls. Societal effects show, this blueprint has been followed metaphorically and literally.


Mass psychology is first and foremost a political issue. Tavistock's vision and imperatives become self-fulfilling prophecies. Mastery of mass psychology is Tavistock's forte and signature which can be seen throughout the sociopolitical landscape.

Tavistock Institute is the social puppetmaster, shaping political, social, educational, and economic 'opinions'. Their specialty is command and control problems. Rand, Brookings Institute, and SRI are other key players. The A.K. Rice Institute is a US clone of Tavistock.

Smaller thinktanks are networked together doing reasearch on every facet of American life. For the average individual, the future isn't a chance to be new, but a chance to be had yet another time. However, the marks are finally wising up to covert policies aimed in their direction through education, media, medicine, business, technology and government.

Since 1920, Tavistock Clinic aims included psycholgocial warfare, social control, information control; and control of the hidden information environment. Practically, this means it has control mechanisms in academia, multimedia, intelligence, and medicine especially pharmaceuticals and mental health. In this toxic form, the mental health movement has meant just the opposite.

Tavistock Invented What You Should Believe

You have been "injected" in every phase of life with pre-formed beliefs about the nature of self, others and reality. Your mundane and spiritual experiences are contrived and controlled. There is no position you can occupy in the system without being affected. Now they want your genetic identity, as well. Crisis and transitions create confusion which makes us mentally vulnerable to imposed trance states.

The First waves from Tavistock were Freudian analysis and behavioral clinical psychology. Kurt Lewin's Group Dynamics led to the Human Potential Movement with Esalan and the transpersonal psychologies which describe generic categories for myth and religions and spiritual experience.

Lewin's equation said behavior was a function of the person and the environment, so they exerted maximal control on both with social psychology. The individual exists in dynamic tension with a field of coexisting factors and forces. There are behaviorial differences in how we work out the tension between our self-image and the environment or 'life space.' All methods have heavy trance-forming and hypnotic transactions embedded within them. They carry the aura of the shaman and the "white coat" mystique of medicine.

With therapeutic authority, they define what is sick, divergent or deviant behavior, what is socially acceptable, and what is insane. This system, coupled with the beliefs of science builds consensus reality and generates a worldview or paradigm, which in turn controls individual beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings and behavior.

Jung's Tavistock Lectures on Analytical Psychology provided a blueprint of the mind - psychological types, levels of the psyche and archetypes of the personal and collective unconscious. Knowledge of psychological types and the multi-layered psyche made categorized profiling of character types possible.

Jung's theory of the complex made word association tests, biofeedback and lie detectors a reality applied to law enforcement and interrogation. Jung's dream research was used to target iconic dream imagery that could be injected into media, advertising and beliefs. His theories of the Shadow, or collective adversary, and projection have been used to conjure up enemies and scapegoats.

Psychoretroactive Research

This may never have been Jung's explicit intent, but it is a concrete result and effect of his research under the Tavistock agenda, which sponsored him at the time. The deliberate exploitation of symbols and manipulation of archetypes, images and icons was born. It is the root of cults of personality and celebrity, as well as falsely so-called "reality TV." Charisma, amplified rapport, is the secret force of mind control.

The Tavistock agenda identifies and creates macro-trends, such as the "New Left" and militant activism as counter point to Neocon manipulation through radical religious policies. In other words, it is a primary polarizing entity at work throughout all levels of society, playing both sides against the middle. It does even better creating outside Adversaries through propaganda and projection, such as the distracting wars on terror, drugs, poverty and cancer -- all of which seem unresolvable. Viable solutions simply aren't allowed and are actively suppressed.

A Rockefeller grant gave birth to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947. Tavistock joined with Kurt Lewin's Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the University of Michigan the next year and begin disseminating human relations literature, relating theory to practice, including promotion of change, engineering consensus, mass persuasion, breakdown of cognitive structure, and overcoming resistance. [Historical details at and]

Tavistock sets national agendas as part of the global shadow government. It used covert techniques to sell the war with Germany, the state of Israel, the Domino Theory and the Cold War for financial gain. Deliberate creation of crisis is a primary tool of social engineering and global drama. Other networked thinktanks are its dissemination organ. They create peer pressure throughout all strata of society designed to break people down into consensus conformity.

Globalist Change Agents

Tavistock’s agenda is used to create and topple governments. Tavistock’s objective is to eventually control entire populations between the use of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics. Its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control. They are currently involved in a war of extermination on the small American farmer through usery and bankruptsy by giant land trusts.

Futurist programs identify discontinuities and emerging dilemmas. Discontinuities challenge business as usual and dilemmas demand new ways of thinking about complex problems. Together, discontinuities and dilemmas provide a vista of new practices and points of view that shape tomorrow's organizations and today's choices.

Tavistock determined human psychophysical "breaking points." Following WW I, Tavistock Institute and Clinic were established in London. Originally, this was a well-intentioned program to find ways of preventing the mental horrors of WW I. Stress syndrome was then called “shell shock,” but is now termed PTSD. Sigmund Freud was the founding father of Tavistock methodology. Later, Tavistock commissioned The Tavistock Lectures by Carl Jung on the nature of the deep subconscious mind.

Over the years, the emphasis changed until there was a sinister slant to the research in eugenics, political and cultural engineering by the mid-1930's. There are rumors of an earlier version of Tavistock, which trained Lenin, and later after WWI, Adolph Hitler.

By WWII, Tavistock was a real MI 6 Agency and its stress-related techniques were well advanced. They knew how to relieve mental, and emotional pain and also amplify it, physically and psychologically. In fact, Tavistock’s recommendations for excessive use of force were used tragically by Winston Churchill in the terrifying fire bombing of Dresden and Hamburg.

Sigmund Freud was Tavistock's "prophet" and first director, followed by his daughter, Anna. Tavistock programs were used to program the postwar leaders of Germany's government, churches, schools, corporations, etc., from among the POWs who were easy to manipulate.

Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one of Britain's leading psychiatric research establishments. The UK institute was researching into ways of mind controlling the British population without them knowing. It's main US branch is in the University of Michigan. The same principles were used to create pop culture and counterculture, so even societal rebellion is a programmed trend to channel and discredit opposing energy.

Freud's nephew, a principle at Tavistock Institute, Edward Bernays is the godfather of propaganda and the "engineered consent" of Madison Avenue. He took Freud's principles of mass psychology and applied them to social exploitation, numbing and manipulation of the masses.

Popular culture is engineered to brainwash each of us from cradle to grave. Trends and megatrends are manufactured, engineered by corporations. Nothing happens in politics or society by accident.

The Nazi's employed techniques outlined by Bernays in the book PROPAGANDA, and later brought them to the US under Operation Paperclip where they were picked up by CIA and subsequently morphed into mind control programs such as cyborg assassins and MK Ultra. Similar programs were instututed in the USSR around the same time. CIA also spreads propaganda across the entire political spectrum through founding and funding front organizations.

In the wake of the Enlightenment, the notion arose of an intellectual elite, a distinguished social stratum that can be traced far back into classical history. Elite classes of intellectuals or well-educated people emerged in most European countries.

The intelligentsia is a social class of people engaged in complex mental and creative labor directed to the development and dissemination of culture, encompassing intellectuals and social groups close to them (e.g., artists, mystics, psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and teachers).Bohemians were the forerunner of what we can call the ‘psychedelic intelligentsia’ and today’s New Age spiritual fusion.

Utopian socialism is the philosophical root of modern socialist thought. Anyone can be a utopian socialist, but the trend emerged in the first quarter of the 19th century. From the mid-19th century onwards, the other branches of socialism overtook utopianism in popularity.

Societies are cyclic, always in a continual process of constructing themselves and destructing from within. Utopian socialists are forerunners of communal hippie life, intentional communities and cooperatives. Utopian nostalgia is exemplified in the Star Trek and Star Wars philosophy. Its dystopian reflection is The Matrix, the postmodern Brave New World where nothing is believable or trustable.

Quasi-socialist intellectuals created hypothetical visions of perfect egalitarian and communal societies without actually concerning themselves with the manner in which these societies could be sustained. Yet, they shared a dream, which for the world at large has become a mind control nightmare.

The Occult Revival

Theosophical studies cover the origin and development of the cosmos and human development in all the planes of being from its beginning to its end. It is a philosophy of process, transformation, and evolution toward an extraordinary human potential. Out of this Utopian and scientific socialism came Theosophy, British” guild" socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Tavistock and iconoclast Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley is an infamous occultist. Occultism has served as "an alternative account of the world, available to people dissatisfied with the orthodox view of things, scientifically and politically, since the late 18th century. Older than Theosophy with roots in kabbalah, Hermetics, and pantheism, Magick was a practical application of causing change to conform with will using similar principles. They both embrace the Hermetic Axiom: “As Above; So Below,” which reflects the identity of man as a microcosm.

The Cryptocracy, through economics and mass mind control is involved in the transformation or "alchemical processing" of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation. With the help of these foundations and secret societies, experiments in world shaping continue multimedia and military campaigns. The goal is social engineering -- to seed and control megatrends so the masses live as controlled puppets – wage slaves -- of the ruling elite.

Occult societies have a long tradition of influence peddling and providing covers for espionage. They are conduits of trust that transcend national borders and can cover a spy network. Naturally, occultists influenced one anothers’ beliefs, whether it was acknowledged or not.

Black intelligence ops, “Esoterics” has always been a department in most intelligence services. In MI6, it was called the Occult Bureau. The SS also had an Occult Bureau. The Watch were FDR’s supersecret team for occult countermeasures, arcane assassinations, paranormal and psychic investigation. After the war, The Watch redirected its interest to UFO phenomena.

What's New with My Subject?

Taking Stock: Mind Control, Psychedelics & Cold War Culture

In Colonial America, to keep them in line, the unruly were put in medieval stocks and pillories as a relatively mild form of punishment and humiliation. The public display was part of a social spectacle designed to encourage conformity and suppress the individual thinker and those committing misdemeanors. Those condemned to the stocks were subject to a variety of abuses.

Today, our minds can be tortured, directed and contained through subtler but more nefarious means. We are still put in mental stocks by megamedia and Big Pharma, and their combination – pharmaceutical adverts. Chemical straightjackets range from Ritalin, to antidepressants, to hormones, prescriptions and recreational drugs.

Paradoxically, there is an alleged War on Drugs by the very governments and agencies who are accused of profiteering on Black Market importation and distribution. CIA has been implicated in the infamous "Air America" Golden Triangle heroin importations in the Viet Nam era, cocaine running during Iran Contra, the crack epidemic in American ghettos, poppy production in Afghanistan (largest crop ever in 2006), and in promoting Orange Sunshine LSD through the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, to derail and discredit the peace movement in the 1960’s.

This follows an older tradition, an aspect of psychological warfare. British profiteers grew narcotics in India and forcibly sold them to China during the Opium Wars. Even tea was notorious during the American Revolution.Black Ops have a history of being supported via illicit drug trade. Anyone who is the end-user drives the whole karmic chain of supply and demand. And, it’s a bloody trail.

All drugs, even alcohol, tobacco and sugar are big business. It’s all part of The Spectacle, whether the source is nation-states, megacorporate drug companies (Big Pharma), global drug rings, or designer independents.Humans are hardwired with a “craving for ecstasy.” Social issues include suppression of direct mystical experience (religious experimentation vs. “pharmacratic inquisition”), modulating your own pleasure/pain axis, sexuality, and self-determination (individual freedom vs. state control).

Drugs rule, or he who controls the drugs rules and controls by means of drugs and the enormous cash slush funds they generate. Destruction of the real economy and the replacement of development with looting on a global scale is already in an advanced stage throughout the world.

We’ve developed even more cruel and unusual punishment for would-be “free thinkers,” and dissidents since the era of MK Ultra, the CIA mind control programs. During the Cold War, the CIA attempted to outdo Soviet and Asian brainwashing techniques and close the “mind control gap.”

With the Manchurian Candidate, they tried to secretely manufacture the perfect assassin – a cyborg. Then the agency experimented with a variety of drugs designed to neutralize or disable the enemy, or to use as truth serums. They also used electroshock, sensory deprivation, psychotronics, and radical hypnosis. Brain washing wipes the mind and numbs the emotions; reprogramming plugs in new "software" that contours thoughts and feelings, and can trigger behaviors at the will of the programmer.

Though it was a leading candidate, LSD was determined no good for mind control, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be an influential social control. Once the drug became associated with the counterculture, it was banned (1967), which only made it more attractive. Yet it still worked its magic by deflecting energy and attention into hedonistic druggie lifestyles instead of confrontational political activism.

Through its Psychological Warfare Division, CIA-controlled media used CIA promoted drugs to discredit the peace movement. It used CBS, The New York Times, Associated Press, United Press International, even The National Enquirer, and other major United States media to maintain its control over sensitive subjects. This gave new meaning to the phrase, “the medium is the message” – infowars.

DeWitt Poole became president of the CIA's largest single propaganda effort of the WWII era, the National Committee for a Free Europe. Another prominent board member of Public Opinion Quarterly was CBS executive Frank Stanton. He was also a longtime director of both Radio Free Europe and the Free Europe Fund.

This CIA-financed organization was established to conduct political advertising campaigns in the United States and to launder CIA funds destined for Poole's National Committee for a Free Europe. This influence over the POQ editorial board and editorial content of the field's most prestigious academic journal was only a symptom of a deeper and more organic bond. The primary nexus between government and social science is an economic one so pervasive it makes any crisis of relations with the government a crisis for social science as a whole.

Facts about the CIA's PSYWAR propaganda and censorship relationship with certain American media executives came to light in the1975 hearings of the Church Committee: United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, chaired by U. S. Senator Frank Church, (D) Idaho (Hansen).

Carl Bernstein reported that in addition to The New York Times, "CBS was unquestionably the CIA's most valuable broadcasting asset. CBS president William Paley and Allen Dulles enjoyed an easy working and social relationship (with the CIA). Over the years, the CBS network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several stringers; it supplied out takes of news film to the CIA; established a formal channel of communication between the Washington bureau chief and the Agency; gave the Agency access to the CBS news film library; and allowed reports by CBS correspondents to the Washington and New York newsrooms to be routinely monitored by the CIA."

The New York Times reported March 24, 2001, that at the time of Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, the CIA had a relationship with the Associated Press and the UPI wire services so that the CIA could actually place propaganda stories directly onto the international wires through those agencies. In other words, the CIA could literally write propaganda stories for willing distribution globally by the wire services.

©2009 Iona Miller is a nonfiction writer for the academic and popular press, hypnotherapist (ACHE) and multimedia artist. She is a participant, not just commentator. Her conspirituality work is an omni-sensory fusion of intelligence, science-art, new physics and emergent paradigm shift, melding many social issues into a new view of society. She is interested in the effects of doctrines from religion, science, psychology, and the arts. Website: